Teenager sees creepy man at Target moving closer to little girl – his gut says “stop him now”

Sometimes when we see things that seem strange, we might choose to ignore them. This young man however decided to make sure he does not ignore what he saw and stood up against it, which essentially helped him save a life…

Immediately, Cameron knew something wasn’t right. His mother suggested they ignore the situation and leave, but that did not sit right with Cameron at all. Cameron recalled seeing a “demonic look” in the man’s eyes and that he was reportedly touching himself while staring luridly at the little girl, which set off alarm bells in the 17-year-old’s head.

“I seen the guy grabbing himself, and my mom goes, ‘Cam let’s go, keep walking.’ I was like, no, something’s going on,” Cameron told CBS. And what Cameron’s mother didn’t know was that her son would save the girl from a te.rr.ible fate.

The man smelled of liquor, and as he touched himself, he walked toward the little girl. When Cameron realized what was going on, he didn’t hesitate.

Without the slightest f.ear, Cameron went up to the large man and asked him if he knew the girl. The man declared, “I’m not a per.v.ert! I’m not a per.v.ert!”
“I didn’t ask you that, sir,” the brave teenager replied.

He stood his ground and confronted the grown man, till he was uncomfortable enough with Cameron’s questioning to run right out of the store. But Cameron wants no praise for his actions, only to inspire others to step in when they feel that something is not right.

While this incident is from November 2016, it is a timeless example of being a good person.

This young man deserves all of our praise!

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